Monday, September 13, 2010

5 great food, the effective protection of women’s breast

edible fungi

The first category, edible fungi

White fungus, black fungus, shiitake mushrooms, Hericium erinaceus, Poria, etc. is a natural biological response modifier, can enhance human immunity system, strengthen the body’s resistance, there is a strong anti-cancer effect.

1, Hericium: containing polysaccharides, polypeptides, have a stronger inhibitory effect on cancer cells, while capable of producing interferon, enhance white blood cells, enhancing immune function, play a role in anti-cancer.

2, mushroom: nutrient-rich, containing essential amino acids, multi vitamins minerals, selenium and vitamin D, can enhance human immunity, help prevent stomach cancer and esophageal cancer

Swedish and American scientists published in a recent joint study results showed that young women suffering from anorexia breast cancer risk is relatively low. This shows that the early women’s caloric intake on the subsequent formation and development of breast cancer may have a larger role.


The second category, fish

yellow croaker, turtle, loach, hairtail, octopus, squid, sea cucumbers, oysters, and seaweed, Sargassum pallidum, etc. because they are rich in trace elements, the protection of the breast, the role of inhibiting the growth of cancer

Kelp: good nutrition and health care products, has markedly improved the effectiveness of immunity. Kelp extract can inhibit a variety of cancer cells. Have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease role. It has been reported, kelp can prevent breast cancer and thyroid cancer.


The third category, fruits

Grapes, kiwi, lemon, strawberry, citrus, figs, etc., not only contains multiple vitamins, and contain anti-cancer and the prevention of carcinogen nitrosamine synthetic substances. vegetables

The fourth category, vegetables

A reasonable match with the staple food is conducive to good health. Such as tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, garlic, onion, asparagus, cucumber, sponge gourd, radish, and some green leafy vegetables.

1, pumpkin: it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, also contains calcium and cellulose, tryptophan-P, and many more doses can prevent obesity, diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, is a good cancer prevention food.

2, radish and carrot: carrot contains a variety of enzymes, can eliminate the carcinogenic effects of nitrosamines; its lignin can stimulate the body’s immune system; spicy radish comes from mustard oil, may stimulate peristalsis . Radish contains a lot of vitamin C, carrot is also rich in carotene. Therefore, they have excellent anti-cancer effect.

3, asparagus: it contains selenium and plant fibers, etc. can be used to control many types of cancer.

4, bitter gourd: bitter anti-cancer role is because it contains a class of quinine protein can activate the immune cell activity, bitter gourd seeds contain inhibit cell invasion and metastasis of components.

5, eggplant: it is rich in nutrients, but also contains alkaline nigrum, cucurbitacin, water Su alkaline, choline and other substances, among which pH and cucurbitacin Solanum nigrum were proven anti-cancer effects.

6, Garlic: The experiment has confirmed that allicin in many cancer cells have a strong inhibitory effect. Allicin can also block the synthesis of N-nitrosamines in the body. Garlic is rich in selenium, germanium, germanium can activate the phagocytosis of macrophages.

7, Liliaceae (onion, onion, garlic, etc.) and cruciferous (Yuan Chinese cabbage, white radish, turnip, etc.) vegetables: they contain large amounts of sulfur compounds, can enhance the liver enzyme required for detoxification of foreign bodies in the role of can enhance the effect of the body prevent cancer.

healthcarecanaddcalcium.jpg" rel="lightbox[2188]">milk and its products benefit breast health care, can add calcium

Fifth category, milk and its products benefit breast health care, can add calcium

Cereals such as wheat (flour), corn, soybeans and some grains are conducive to health. Barley contains a large number of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps the body’s fat, cholesterol and carbohydrate metabolism and reduce cholesterol. Insoluble fiber helps the digestive system healthy and prevent cancer. Nut is a food nut and fruit species, contains a large number of anti-oxidants, can play an anti-cancer effects.

Corn: its nutritional value in excess of flour, rice, regular consumption can prevent arteriosclerosis, cardio-cerebral vascular diseases, cancer, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and other diseases. Corn contains a lot of plant fiber, carotene, lysine, rich in selenium, magnesium, which can enhance the immune function, with plastic anti-cancer role to play.

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